Wednesday, 12 July 2017

The Real Picture Of God (1)

Let me just prepare our minds, the series we are about to start tonight is going to be on for *6months*.
I hope that won't be shocking to you.We are going to start today and continue every Tuesdays and then bring it to a close by December.
So get ready to get the best out of the series. 

When God gives a leading like this; to take a topic as a series,I believe He wants to reveal somethings to his people.God is always reaching out to us,every time everyday. So there are so much He would want us to know.'And you shall KNOW the truth and the truth shall set you free'.
So there is this thing about man when he KNOWS,something pops up on his inside and he feels this enlightenment. I  believe you know what I'm talking about.To start with,the WHOLE Bible, revolves around JOHN 3:16. From genesis to revelation you can always relate it to John 3:16.We will Still get there during the course of this teaching.

KJV:No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
John 1:18 says 'No man has ever seen God...'
NIV:No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

Permit me to emphasise on the 'a'  part.
You know for the logical ones amidst us,we will always wonder how God and Adam communicated before Adam fell. 
You will wonder how the devil and Eve were able to communicate. That's one of the things that would be unravelled as time goes on.
For everyone in this group,if any one ask you any of these questions what will be your answer?

Have you seen God before?
Have you seen an angel before?
If you haven't seen Him before, how come you now say you are born again?
And I'm sure people will give different answers to these, based on their paradigm.

The reason why it is easy for someone to come up with a particular religion and say 'he or she is the way to God' and people will follow such is because *NO MAN HAS EVER SEEN GOD*

There are over 4000 religion in the world. and what every person that pioneered each religion claimed is that 'their own way is the way to the real God'.
And it is very easy for an average man to be persuaded by such,most especially when the person can do one of two magic which they call signs and wonders.*SO I SAY TO YOU,IT IS VERY EASY TO HAVE A WRONG PERCEPTION ABOUT SOMEONE YOU ARE YET TO SEE*.

I have only met a few of us in this group. So I can tell you that you can refer to me as who I am not since you are yet to meet me.
So let's see something together from the scriptures.
AMP:He made known His ways [of righteousness and justice] to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.
AMP:He made known His ways [of righteousness and justice] to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.

I don't know why my phone is not copying chapters and verse.
That is psalm 103:7.
The He was referring to God.
Even though  *NO MAN HAS EVER SEEN GOD*, this same God wants us to KNOW him. 

He wants to be so known that He wrote 66 books about himself.
That is why our salvation experience that took few seconds,will take us a life time to keep on unravelling the mysteries behind it.
John 17:3 says '..this is eternal life,that they may KNOW me..

Back to psalm 103:7.
*He(GOD) made known His ways [of righteousness and justice] to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel*
So the invisible God has ways and acts.
He revealed his ways to Moses. 
The same God,revealed his acts to the children of Israel.
So it is possible for Moses to say something about God that the children of Israel would disagree with. Why? They are someone is seeing God's ways and the children of Israel, God's acts.

His ways is deeper than His acts.
That's a topic on its own.
So also are there times in the old testament where you will see God showing His ways to some people and then His acts to the other. And you will ask yourself,can this be the Same God?
One of the parts of the Bible that is always baffling me is the beginning of the Bible. Genesis 1:1. 

You know when you are reading a book and a character is being introduced from the first line without we getting the details of the character.
In the beginning,GOD created...
There was a time I was like,why didn't He introduce Himself before He starts telling us the things He created.
Throughout the Old testament,no one could say 'I KNOW GOD'. The only thing they could hold on to are the prophecies that were given by His prophets.
Why are we considering this topic *THE REAL PICTURE OF GOD*,because no man has ever SEEN God. 

Without doubts,we in this group have different notions about God,but at the end of these teachings, we will all come to a place where we believe only one thing; we will come to the Unity of faith.God is a spirit being.

Almost Everyone everyone knows that but beyond that 'there are still more to God than some of us can ever imagine'.

Since its the first day of the series.
Let me just lay these truths and as time goes on we would build on them.Over the years, most of the revelations I have had at meetings or teachings are those that either
Tells me more about who I am in Christ OR tells me more about God's ways.
As much as Moses saw God's ways,permit me to tell you that He only saw the Shadow of God's ways.There are lots of pictures many have created about God but there is A picture of God.During the course of these series,so many orientations will change. People with wrong perception about God will change their minds.
*No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, WHO is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known*

The b part of the scripture talks about the incarnation of God.Like I said earlier, this is going to be  a 6 months thing, so there is no need in rushing it. Nevertheless if you will for get any thing tonight please remember

The reason why God has been defined by so many religious leader is because NO MAN HAD EVER SEEN GOD.
Let me share with you what a silly friend of mine told me not too long ago.He said 'he feels like starting another religion too, he said if he can just do one or two magic,and with the help of social media,he will just say he is the way to God'

As funny as that sounds,I hope you know he is going to have his own followers,if His silly thought actually comes to pass.*There is something called The real picture of God* if I tell you otherwise, I am only telling you lies.

Join us next week Tuesday as we continue in this series. Invite your friends, and if possible your enemies.
If there is any question,please feel free to ask.

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