Let me continue from where I stopped last week.
No one has ever seen God...John 1:18
Growing up as a Christian was exciting for me,I must confess.
I asked so many question from my leaders,questions like, why is Jesus the truth?
I was made to understand so many things,and I also understand that the truth is singular,it is either Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed or one of those religious founder. There was a time when I went on a wild search for the truth personally. I used to be and I'm still inquisitive.
I studied about other religion and unfortunately the picture of God these people portray has little or no differences from the one I had then; A God that is short tempered,who is merciful but His mercy lasts only for a moment,a God you have to beg to heal you.
Religion sha!
God has been misread and misinterpreted so many times. All the laws and prophets presented their opinions of God and none of these opinions devoid their personalities.
They were true witnesses but with a glimpse. By revelation each of them set forth a portion of the truth.
Elijah called down fire was God at work,but that is not the express image of God. God sent Jonah to preach but his attitude did not reveal the total image of God.
No human description could correctly reveal God to the world. Through a life of purity,a life of perfect trust and submission to the will of God, a life of humiliation that even the highest seraph in heaven would have shrunk from, God revealed himself by Himself.
This will be only RELIABLE revelation of Him,the express image of the Invisible God. In other to do this,our saviour clothed His divinity with humanity(INCARNATION OF GOD). He employed human faculties, for only by adopting these could he be comprehended by humanity. ONLY HUMANITY COULD REACH HUMANITY. 'THE WORD BECAME FLESH'.
Jesus' way of life and earthly ministry is the perfect REVELATION of God that we have. He lived out the character of God even in to human body which God had prepared for Him.
KJV:No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
So the first part was what I explained last week while the last part
'The only begotten son which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him'
Talks about the incarnation of God.
Which I just explained too.
Only humanity can reach out to Humanity.
If you are doing your home chores and you mistakenly stepped on an ant,permit me to say the ant is a female and it has an husband. When you step on the ant and the husband whom they were waking together sees that,what he does first is that it takes off, of course will surely come back to carry the dead body of its wife.
But the thing is,since it wasn't intentional, you might feel sorry for it and possibly want to communicate your intention to it
'I didn't know,I'm sorry' but the More you try the more it keeps running from you.
But trust me,if you can just turn to an ant at that moment,you will be able to communicate clearly to the ant and tell it your intention.
I wish someone gets that analogy.
Because that was what God did for us,he had to reach out to us in a way we can comprehend.
To come and present the REAL HIM to us through CHRIST JESUS.
So the John 1:18 is a balanced diet,telling us about the old covenant's perception about the unseen God which they could only define by his acts ,and the Real picture that was revealed in the new through HIS ways.
And that is why the first problem the Pharisees and Sadducees had with Jesus was that HE LOOKED LIKE AN HERETIC. Why? He presented to them a God they are not familiar with,they only know about His acts,but His ways are strange to them.
To them there are 10 things you need to do before you van access God,but they hated Jesus the more when He presented God as that person that can easily be accessible;JUST COME THE WAY YOU ARE. It was against their theology you see.lol
So as time goes on we will together see the lifestyle of Jesus and with the help of the Holy spirit, we will see the real picture of God through the ways of Jesus.We won't rush it like I said earlier, its going to be a 6months series. So let's take it pocco a pocco.
Nevertheless, the truth that is being established tonight is JESUS IS THE REAL PICTURE OF GOD
One of the things I will also be making us to understand in the course of this series is how the old testament is connected with the new,how God wanted to communicate somethings to us in the old but because we couldn't understand,He made them more clearer in the New,and also how the new testament is older than the old.
Thank you so much for reading through,
you have chosen the good part which shall not be taken away from you
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